Mission Statements:

Sending Flores exists to show the unconditional love of Christ to the world. We serve locally and globally and have a calling to be HIS hands and feet.
Velvet Hearts exists to show the unconditional love of Christ to women and men who work in the sex industry and to renew and reaffirm hope and a future to them.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Back in Action

Good morning friends and family,

I am back in action.  I have taken a much too long break from writing and I want to be more committed to this blog and to sharing what God is doing in my life.  So let me start by saying that I am reading the David Platt book Radical.  I am about half way finished and it feels like it was written for me.  I cannot wait to see how God uses it to change my life and therefore the lives of others. 

We were settling for a Christianity that revolves around catering to ourselves when the central message of Christianity is actually abandoning ourselves. 

This is so true and yet we live in a nation so consumed with self help and making our lives better and better.  Well I am taking a stand to stop being so consumed with self and more consumed with others.  Actually abandoning self......

So now to a few words that I have received in the past six months.

1.)   Do not pull back, press forward.  (Thank you Marc for listening to Daddy and speaking truth when you hear it.)
2.)   I have crazy faith.  I am like John the Baptist.  I am lifted high and set apart, by my Father, not by me or others. (Thank you Amy.  You have no idea what your example is teaching others.)
3.)   I have permission.  God has said Bambi permission is yours. (Thank you Denise for being obedient and so God honoring in all you do.)
4.)   You know the Father in grief and Psalms 23 promises a feast for me in the presence of your enemies. I will not fear.   I do not have to eat scraps off the floor or take left overs.  It is time to desire again.   (Thank you Aja, you are amazing with your words my sister.)

I don't know about you, but these words are good.  I am clinging to them for this season.  I want to embrace all that God has for me.  In this season some of the things I do may look crazy to the world and even crazy to some of my faith family, but I am okay with that. 

What am I putting into my pot?  Well I am going to choose to speak life not death over my family, my marriage, and my future.  I know the plans He has for me and I am excited to see where this goes.  I am no longer working for identity, but working from His identity.

Love you each who read this and hope that you are Blessed by it.,
