Mission Statements:

Sending Flores exists to show the unconditional love of Christ to the world. We serve locally and globally and have a calling to be HIS hands and feet.

Friday, November 18, 2016

It's all in a Name

I began to reflect, as I got off the phone with the club in which we will begin our outreach starting tonight-My name is Bambi.  My whole life people have either gotten it wrong and called me other names. It is like their brain would not allow Bambi to be a real name, so here comes all the responses Sandy? Brandi? Barbie? etc.....  I always say no Bambi and then have to often times spell it before they get it right.  That's another funny part where people want to add an "ie" and sometimes people who know me well do it.  Bambie?----- no its just Bambi.

Once they get it right then comes all the Disney jokes about "where is Thumper" or "were you sad when your mom was shot" etc.... All in clean fun right?  Or even the classic comment, "is that your real name?"  Yes it is my real name. No I do not believe my mom and dad had some weird love of the movie.  What I was told my whole life was that since I was the last child born I was the "last deer."  I accepted that as the truth and moved on not knowing what all would happen over the last 40+ years of questions about my name.

Then there are the people who look at me like my past had to include some sort of dancing or stripping because that is definitely a stripper name or some type of sexually oriented name.  Especially the ones who ask is it my real name.  Well the truth is -no I have not! I have never been into a strip club, well not yet.

So then today I was reading an article about how pornography is linked to the epidemic of human trafficking.  In the article (which is very good) CLICK HERE it hit me for the first time I am married to a man named John.  Well I mean I know I am married to John, but his name is John.  The men who control women who are being exploited in porn, clubs, are are being trafficked are called Johns.  Honestly I always pictured me marrying a man with an awesome, cool, different name and then I fell madly in love with a John.  It is the most common name of all names.  We call the unknowns John Doe.

So today I stand with a deeper understanding and realization of what God is doing.  Another confirmation into what he has called John and I into.  That His plan has been in play for a long, long time even though He is just making known to John and I.  We have both been drawn to rescuing people from bad situations and loving people who are less fortunate.  Every event we go to we always love, and want more information on, how we can help organizations who are involved in stopping human trafficking.  John and Bambi.  John and Bambi. God you are so good!

Today is the day Velvet Hearts outreach beings.  The "GO" Team is headed out tonight about 6 pm to at least 1 club.  We have some wonderful gifts ready for the women who are working in the club.  Our mission is to show them the unconditional love of Christ and to renew and reaffirm a hope and a future to them.  We will begin developing friendships tonight.  I could have been her. I am partnering with a girl who was her.  We are reaching out to women who are her.  His love is not conditional.  His love is not selective. He goes after the one who is lost every time.  Tonight we are going after the ones who are lost.  The ones without hope.  The ones trapped in this industry.  We are going to be LOVE!!!!

My name means innocent and John's name is Strength of God! Watch out world.  Here comes the innocent Strength of God.

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.