Mission Statements:

Sending Flores exists to show the unconditional love of Christ to the world. We serve locally and globally and have a calling to be HIS hands and feet.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

I AM Healed

 About 7 years ago, I was walking in many physical illnesses and diseases.   I was taking about 9 pills a day for different things from depression, panic attacks, insomnia, acid reflux, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and migraines.  My health was a total mess.  I was also 100 pounds overweight which contributed to the miserable way I felt every day.  I was convinced I would have more friends and be happier if only I could lose weight.  I had struggled for many years with my weight and tried a variety of diets from cabbage meals to pills.  Nothing worked longer than a few months and I outwardly told people I was just fine with the way I looked and felt.  Meanwhile inside I hated the way I felt and did not know how to change it.  My depression was so real I would often cry for hours locked in the bathroom feeling so very sorry for myself.  My family did not know what to do to help me.  I was under psychiatric care for a while to get my medications better aligned so I could make it through most days.
There came a point when I began to seek the Lord for some answers to this road I was on.  I was in community with some fabulous people who knew the Holy Spirit intimately and showed me what a relationship with Him looked like.  I thought I was saved as a young girl, but had never fully surrendered my life to Jesus or entered into a relationship with the Holy Spirit.  I choose to make God the Lord of my Life and things rapidly began to change.  I began to feel the scales drop from my eyes and to see clearer than I ever had before.  I wanted more and more of Him and everything He said.  I choose to have a surgery to help me with my weight loss and the pounds began to drop.  The other health issues also started to disappear.  My medical doctor was amazed and it took him a long while to understand why I was claiming healing over my body.  I stopped taking all my medications and was feeling better than I ever had before.  I realized through studying the Word and engaging in a community with believers that I can command my body to line up with what God says, and I no longer have to live with these diagnosis that the world had given me.  I declared it and it was so.  I still tell myself anytime I feel even the slightest pain in my head that I am healed of migraines and that the pain has to leave.  To this day I no longer have migraines.  I am able to sleep soundly each and every night.  I do not have depression, but instead have the peace and joy of the Lord.  I am so Blessed to be healed of so many things.  I actively tell people about the power that comes along with the Holy Spirit and encourage others to get and stay connected to Him and other believers.

One of my favorite scriptures is James 5:16.  Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.  I know confessing my sins to the Father brings about complete and total forgiveness, but me confessing my sins to friends and mentors means that I am healed.  I needed healing from not only physical illness, but from pain and hurt caused by relationships, from so many lies the enemy told me about who I was, from anger and guilt.  I get to choose each day to confess any lies I have partnered with, or that the world has told me, and repent from believing that lie, and choose to replace it with the truth from God Word and what He says about me.  I actively seek and pray with others I know, because I have seen, that the Lord will heal me.  He will heal me physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  I am so thankful for the relationship I have with the Holy Spirit and how gracious and kind He is to guide me each day.  He is my best friend and wants only the best for me.  

Sunday, April 23, 2017

I AM Loved

Pain, People, and Purpose
Would you agree that relationships can be beneficial and rewarding parts of your life? Do you long to be connected to people, whether that is through friendships, your spouse, or your children? We were created for community and it is a vital part of our lives. When you are in community there will be pain, hurts, and even betrayals. I have walked through this area, seeking God about why it happened, why He is not fixing it, and why me…..and I feel sad and discouraged sometimes.  So I want to encourage you with what He is showing me through this season.
The Holy Spirit is speaking to me about my faith. For many years, I thought if I had enough faith nothing bad would come my way, or when it did I would instantly increase my faith, pray, trust and believe, and it would be resolved. But what I have learned is that faith is not about God fixing my pain, healing my hurts, and repairing betrayals.  Faith is about me trusting God to give me more than enough strength, mercy, grace, love and compassion during the times I most desperately need him. Faith is also knowing that I am not alone, no matter how my circumstances play out. 

Hebrews 4:16 NIV says, “Let us approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

Love is the other thing He has been reminding me of, walking through some extremely difficult circumstances. We are called to love one another. God did not tell us to love the people who are loveable. He actually calls us to love the unlovable.  God also calls us to forgive. So when hurt and pain come, we still need to give love.  God does not have conditions upon which He loves us.  His love is unconditional.  Even when we turn our back on Him, run the other way, or live rebellious, He still loves us and calls us His child.  He fights for us and not against us.  We are challenged with looking more and more like Him every day.  To look like Him we must love and forgive
The God of the universe is here to comfort you and walk with you through every circumstance.  Seek Him and He will show you.  Turn your ears to hear and your heart to receive everything he has for you. 
What is He saying?

Check out this song!

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Who am I?

I AM  The two most powerful words, for what you put after them shapes your reality.  In Exodus 3:14 Moses asks who he should say sent him and God replies, “I AM has sent me to you.”  In John’s gospel, He identifies with 7 “I AM” statements.  I AM the bread of life, I AM the light of this world, I AM the gate for the sheep, I AM the good shepherd, I AM the resurrection and the life, I AM the way, the truth and the life, I AM the true vine.  Who is I AM?  He is the great and mighty one.  He is the beginning and the end.  So
Who am I?
Many of us relate to negative emotions and feelings easily.  One thing happens and we begin that self-talk that says we are worthless, and will never get it right.  I messed it up so badly this time I might as well never try again.  I will never this or never that.  After days and weeks of the self-talk we feel depression settling in.   Why? Because we have allowed shame, guilt, bitterness and dread to come in and cloud our minds.  It is so easy to get to the place where we choose to sit back and let life happen without us engaging in it.  But the truth is that sitting back is making a choice.  Not engaging is choosing.  You are either in or out and sitting back is being out.  Exposure to the lies is where truth comes rushing in.  I am not at all discounting the conviction that comes through the Holy Spirit.  The conviction of your sin is what sanctifies you and bring forth life and life abundantly.  Conviction is necessary to growth.  Choosing to recognize mistakes and make right wrongs is maturity.  What exactly is conviction of the Holy Spirit?  It is discipline.  It is not nagging or badgering, but it is a resting of something on your heart that you know you need to repent of and ask forgiveness for.  He will keep convicting us until we do something about it.  He will never make us feel ashamed.  That is condemnation.  Condemnation usually stews and repeats old lies and brings about doubt in you and your value. If you will read the Word of God, mediate, and ask the Holy Spirit, He will show you the truth.  He is our guide and He loves you more than you can ever think or imagine.  Ephesians 1:11-12 says I AM blessed, chosen, adopted, accepted, redeemed, and forgiven.  This is a scripture that I often meditate on and it brings be such comfort.  Bottom line is……
I am who I AM says I am

Saturday, April 8, 2017


I am in awe at the goodness of our God.  He continue to show me great and mighty things that I did not know and honestly could not even imagine.  Building a non profit has been interesting and amazing.  On one hand it has been so easy.  I've seen the Father move in ways that are amazing and He has made this things so great.  We are welcomed every where we go, we look forward to Friday nights, but the girls, managers, house moms, and door guys also look forward to us coming.  And I know its about way more that the material gift we bring.  One dancer recently sent me a text thanking us for the gift and our time.  After a little conversation she said she did not know why but felt a "happiness and peace" when we are there and she really liked it.  Well I was so excited I told her that is because He is with us and comes with us into the club.  I wanted to jump up and down, but I was driving....... Relationships are being built and honest to goodness friendships are surfacing.  It's so so good.  On the other hand I've began to struggle with the promotion of this ministry.  The constant need for money and gifts and other things to keep this going.  I love to talk about what God is doing, but always stop short by just saying its great.  What I leave out is that it money to make it happen.  So I've been praying about a "promoter", someone who will be the person to promote Sending Flores Inc, and Velvet Hearts.  The perfect person has come along and she has been simply a life saver.  Her name is Morgan Loper and although I know she does not want (or need) recognition she absolutely deserves it.  She has not only come along side me to organize me and help me she has opened my eyes to opportunities for fundraising and spreading what I am doing to other churches and our community.  I am so excited about her help and how much she has to offer.   Shout out to Him who created this ministry and continues to manage it so well. 

As I begin to open my mind to promotion and all that brings I am so excited I have been invited to be a part of the I Am Conference on April 22, 2017.  I will have a table there and will be able to make awesome connections with women from all over Parker County.  I cannot wait to meet and chat with each person who comes my way.  I have been reminded of dreams and visions I've had and I am just in awe at how these things are bring revealed.  I look forward to speaking at events and breakfast chats, whatever doors He opens.

Thanks so much for being a part.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5x32LP4Qeo