Mission Statements:

Sending Flores exists to show the unconditional love of Christ to the world. We serve locally and globally and have a calling to be HIS hands and feet.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thanks and Calling

I want to give a huge shout out to Carly B.  What an amazing friend, woman of God, and giver of talents.  She has encouraged me and continues to fuel my fire for missions.  I owe her more than I can pay.  She is a dear friend and I cannot wait to go and serve along side her in this mighty kingdom.  Where He calls we will go! 

I am so excited to start this blog and will try to always reveal my heart and where I am as I write.  I am thankful in advance for everything that will come of this and for those who will join me in this journey. 

God intended work as a gift with a purpose.  In the Bible we read about those who built God’s temples. Some were assigned jobs as singers, carpenters, goldsmiths, musicians, and priests.  Everyone’s job was important. They were working in line with their individual gifts and talents. Not every job utilizes all of your skills, but every job will offer you the opportunity to grow and work hard at doing something well. When you do this you will have something in common with those who built the temple. What you do honors God.

I desire to be a disciple of Christ. I have been called to give my time and talents to others and bring them the good news of salvation and freedom. Jesus said those disciples would leave behind security, money, convenience, and even family for him. They would abandon everything for the gospel. I am so excited about what God has planned for me and my family in the future. Thank you for helping us live out what Christ has called us to do. 

John 14:18  I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.

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