Mission Statements:

Sending Flores exists to show the unconditional love of Christ to the world. We serve locally and globally and have a calling to be HIS hands and feet.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Who is Sending Flores?

It has been a few months since I have written and I have missed it.  Lots of planning and execution, board meetings and prayer.  I wanted to take this opportunity to explain a few things and provide clarification for any of you who may have questions.  Because Sending Flores is growing.

Sending Flores was dreamed in 2012 and began with this simple blog.  It satisfied my hunger and thirst for all thing’s missions.  Local, global, and all in-between.  It was a way to communicate with an audience my desire to help those less fortunate than me and ask for support and prayers for those led to give. It also allowed me to write my innermost thoughts and feelings much like a journal.
The blog started off slow with just a few entries the first few years   I was not sure what to share or how to share it, plus kids and work got in the way.  It grew and evolved over the years and I always knew God has a plan for the name and how He was going to use my family.

One of Mackinsey's (my daughter) favorite songs is The Great I AM, and shortly after the launch of Sending Flores I begin to dream and hear Him speaking to me about the words I AM.  God began to speak to me about who I am and who the great I AM is.  I began serving on an incredible team where I regularly taught others about His word and their true identity in Him.  Teaching and learning God's word about healing, freedom, and deliverance I quickly saw ground being claimed back from an enemy who was created to kill, steal, and destroy.

Sending Flores Inc. exists to show the unconditional love of Christ to the world. We serve locally and globally and have a calling to be HIS hands and feet. Sending Flores was established in 2016 with the state as an official 501c3.  There are several branches of Sending Flores. The most well-known, at this time, is Velvet Hearts. Velvet Hearts is a dba of Sending Flores.

Velvet Hearts exists to show the unconditional love of Christ to women and men who work in the sex industry and to renew and reaffirm hope and a future to them. It has been the most amazing 3 years of building and growing this ministry.  We have visited 15 different clubs over west Fort Worth, been a partner of the Strip Church Network, and developed hundreds of relationships with men and women because of Velvet Hearts.  Our verse for the ministry is Psalm 51:10 "Create in me a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me, O God." I know I have cultivated a cleaner heart and have a more steadfast spirit as a result of diligently pursuing this particular group of people. We continue to love, to be consistent and to meet needs of those we encounter.  All in a humanly attempt to show the love of Christ. I have had the pleasure of meeting and training 30 or so GO Team members over the years. Introducing them to a new way of meeting and loving, evangelizing and comforting, and being present when others have condemned. We have experienced tragedy and saw death inside the clubs.  We have offered prayers and been a part of Holy Spirit speaking, healing, delivering, and changing lives.

Sending Flores is also doing missions on a global scale.  The intent is to grow to a place to organize and lead trips globally and build a program that offers genuine love and teaching families how to parent, meet needs, and live productive lives for the Kingdom of God. This could be developing homes where mothers and children can come and learn until they can sustain on their own.  In 2017 Sending Flores went on two trips.  One to Kisumu, Africa and the other to Israel.  Going to the world is truly music to my heart.  Right now, in the establishing time, we are partnering with organizations which can provide training and also allow us to serve. Our next trip is to Grenada West Indies. We will serve locally and learn more about hosting missions’ trips and making lasting relationships with communities.

Sending Flores has also been able to be a part of spiritually cleaning homes.  We do not battle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. And as a result, many times this darkness consumes people and homes and causes demonic oppression.  We have a team that goes into the homes and teaches the home owners how to get rid of all demonic activity.  We have testimonies I will provide in a future blog because they are extremely powerful.  We serve a mighty and powerful God who is ready and willing to terminate demonic influence.  

Sending Flores also provides discipleship and mentorship.  I love to meet with individuals and talk with them from a Biblical perspective about their circumstances.  I have seen radical life change because of being discipled and believe it is very important to crucifying the flesh and sanctification. Scripture reminds us to seek relationships that are iron sharpening iron.  The latest project we have completed is a written curriculum for marriage.  God breathed 10 topics related to marriage and we developed a curriculum out of these topics.  14 men and women went through the curriculum with us and all agreed they grew closer to their spouse, children, and even other relationships.  

With all this said when your support Sending Flores your money, time, and resources are going to a variety of missions.  We felt like it was important for each of our supporters to know exactly what we are up to! So, when you write a check to Velvet Hearts it goes to Sending Flores.  When you donate for BAM Sauce, t-shirts, or caps it supports Sending Flores.  From local to global we are called to serve.  You can always give to a specific branch of Sending Flores if you want to designate your gift, but you must make that clear on the donation.  

We have some new things coming too.  God is always up to something and I am committed to saying yes to Him the rest of my life.  In the comfortable and in the uncomfortable I will GO!!!!

Thank you for praying, contributing, and encouraging. 


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