Mission Statements:

Sending Flores exists to show the unconditional love of Christ to the world. We serve locally and globally and have a calling to be HIS hands and feet.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


I've been taking time to reflect on all that God has done in Velvet Hearts since we began 3 years ago. Social media often only shows the shiny happy parts of who we are and all the wonderful parts of what we do. We post the wins, the happy things, the donor dollar attractors. 

But the truth is, God has brought us through a lot the past three years.  There have been moments of complete hopelessness, heart ache, and frustration. There have been deaths, and people go missing.  There have been pimps, club owners, abusers and systems that seem to never untangle, systems that seem to never work in favor of a victim. So much that leaves me wanting to scream in frustration. There have been days no one showed up to a coffee meet up. Where almost every volunteer bailed on me. Where the funding wasn’t looking good. Where it seemed like I would never figure out how to do this thing I’m called to. Where I definitely said the wrong thing or did something stupid. I’ve forgotten important things. There have been nights I’ve cried and wondered what in the world I’m even doing with my life.  

I share all this not be “woe is me” but to say, through it all, God has shown up. In the hardest darkest moments. In bad news and the good. I can’t believe all God has done, but also, I can’t believe how he’s never once left my side. And to also say, dreams and fruit don’t happen overnight. Countless seeds of encouragement and prayers have been planted all over Fort Worth. Dreams take 

Time- Courage-Steadfastness-
Stamina- Grit -Determination

These first three years of Velvet Hearts have felt incredibly hard. And I probably quit at least once a month inside my brain for the first two years. But I’m really glad I didn’t. It had been the best experience of my life.

So, if you’re out there grinding on your dream, or overcoming obstacles, keep going! You can do it and you’re not alone!! It’s okay if it feels like disaster right now. It won’t feel that way forever.

It is truly a time to grow. We are not the new kids on the block anymore. We have worked out and trouble shot a million things. We have found our rhythm and settled into normal. We have cut ties to the big-name ministry we once thought we needed and are doing a new thing. I’ve been blessed by so many others with wisdom to ask questions and seek help from. I have those I can call for and ear when needed.  We will be creating our own training specific to us and  we are excited about the future.  

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