Mission Statements:

Sending Flores exists to show the unconditional love of Christ to the world. We serve locally and globally and have a calling to be HIS hands and feet.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


Tabgha on the Sea of Galilee about 2 miles from Capernaum
Also known as Heptapegon meaning fresh spring.

 The location for the calling of the disciples. It is believed that here Jesus walked along the shore and called out to Simon Peter and Andrew who were casting their nets into the lake. Walking along, Jesus saw two other brothers, James and John who were preparing their nets with their father Zebedee. Jesus called all of these men to follow him....
We read John 21:1-25 here at this site. Jesus met again with the disciples for the “last breakfast.” Here he restored Peter to himself after the disciple’s three denials by asking him three times if Peter loved Jesus.

 These big heart rocks are estimated to have been there during the time of Jesus.
I could have sit on them all day and worshiped Him.
He has called each of us to be a disciple and this is where He called others to come and follow Him.
 We also bottled some water here at the sea!
The rocky shore didn’t hold back us from hoping straight to the water.
This is also where the first tithe from Sending Flores went out. There was a young woman sitting and listening as we read from John. The Holy Spirit clearly spoke she was one to give to.  So after we read I followed her away from that spot and asked her if we could talk. I gave her an envelope that contained $100. We took $1100 total to Israel with us as our tithe to the Holy Land. She did not know what was in it but quickly asked why I was giving it to her. I explained, that the Lord pointed her out to me and I was being obedient to him. She explained that she was from Moscow, Russia, traveling alone. Her shoes were torn and her clothes were old, she was a beautiful girl with a shaved head on bottom and dirty blonde long hair on top pulled back into a ponytail. I’ll never forget the look of confusion on her face when she was approached and given a gift, a free gift.

According to the gospels Jesus’s ministry center around the Sea of Galilee. The Lord spent most of the three years of ministry along the shore of this freshwater lake here He gave more than half of this parables and here He performed most of his miracles.

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